Friday, June 19, 2009

ANA, a Thank You and a Story.

First, I'd like to say, that all BC members got 100 ROBUX just for being BC members, and I got another 100 cause I signed up again. So, thank you so much ROBLOX! I almost have enough for the Blackhawk Helmet! Now, what is ANA you ask? I don't know what it stands for, but it is a clan that I joined. We want to change noobs into normal people. Before I joined ANA, there was this one guy that was really annoying(I won't mention his name as not to make him feel bad.), I mean, it was bad, me and by brother MatauMetruNui were sending him mean messages and he was sending mean ones back. My friend lordziak also sent some. Ziak was also wanting to try to turn him to the good side as he put it. I was like: Ziak, why waste your time with that jerk? And he was just so persistent, so I was like whatever. So we found the guy again. We were trying to stop him from being a noob to more people. And, after ziak talked to him a bit, he decided to stop. Now we are all friends with him. So, what was the point of this long story? The point is that people like that guy can be turned to normal. So, to join ANA, you have to buy one of these shirts: than send a message to the creator of the shirts saying you joined ANA and put that you joined ANA in your personal blurb. If you want the pants, you can buy them here: Hope to see you there.